Monday, May 2, 2011

Moving from an Internet Business Model to Relationship Marketing Model

So I started a new Internet company here in Washington, DC called "DC Internet Marketing Technology." I used the same business Search Engine Optimization (SEO) model that I used in California, years ago. With that model, I had 40+ clients that were subscribed to my services for about $1,500 month to show up on the "FIRST" page of Google, Yahoo & MSN search page results. It was very lucrative, since I could just look at the code & see (in my minds eye) the missing code that would make them rank correctly. I looked at the code, just like the GoogleBots did! So when I decided to stay here in DC, I started the same type of business. I verified that I could still do the magic, by optimizing my site & submitting it to the search sites.

Two weeks later, I typed my company name into Google & saw this:

I saw nearly a page of links to the site! I still had It!!!

So, I was on & started working the marketing at Social sites. After 3-4 months, NO CLIENTS!!!
What had I done wrong??

to be continued shortly with;
"Moving to a Univera Relationship Marketing Model".......